22 +
Years Experience
About Us

We are EDGEPROS company provides Consulting and IT Services to clients globally. These services are delivered through innovative technologies using a low-risk Global Delivery Model to accelerate schedules with a high degree of time and cost predictability. EDGEPROS has grown exponentially and as demanded by our clients to position ourselves as an extension of their IT organization and a one stop shop for their diverse range of product and solution requirements, led EDGEPROS to establish Partnerships and Alliances with niche product and solution providers. The convergence of Domain Expertise, Subject Matter Experts and best of breed technology innovations and solutions providers has proven invaluable in our ability to meet and exceed the expectations and requirements of our long term and new clients. In order to meet the expectations of our clients and our business goals, EDGEPROS Advisors and Leadership Team is made up of highly skilled, experienced individuals. Each brings to the organization a wealth of knowledge and expertise in chosen areas, a proven understanding of the industry and are visionaries in anticipating new and future trends and direction of the market place. In addition, through EDGEPROS, we extend access to a team of Advisors and Domain Experts that provide high impact consultancy services and Business Intelligence to all our clients.

Our Mission and Values

“Empowering Enterprises Through Empowering Employees”

At Edgepros, we take great pride in doing our best for the clients. We keep our promises that we make to our clients. We act with integrity and honesty, which turns out to be an advantage in developing a strong relationship between clients and us.

Our strong morals and ethical beliefs build clients’ trust. The clients get drawn towards this honesty and dependable behavior of our employees. Our integrity in the workplace promotes a positive environment among employees and boosts higher work productivity and client satisfaction. 

Fun Facts

Facts For Choosing Us

500 +
Project Completed
115 +
HR Consultants
100 +
Awards WON
920 K
Happy Clients